mainspring$46329$ - traduction vers grec
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mainspring$46329$ - traduction vers grec

Linear Electricity Generator; Linear generator; Mainspring (generator company)

n. κύριο ελατήριο


¦ noun
1. the principal spring in a watch, clock, etc.
2. the main agent of motivation.


Linear alternator

A linear alternator is essentially a linear motor used as an electrical generator.

An alternator is a type of alternating current (AC) electrical generator. The devices are often physically equivalent. The principal difference is in how they are used and which direction the energy flows. An alternator converts mechanical energy to electrical energy, whereas a motor converts electrical energy to mechanical energy. Like many electric motors and electric generators, the linear alternator works by the principle of electromagnetic induction. However, most alternators work with rotary motion, whereas linear alternators work with linear motion (i.e. motion in a straight line).